AC Forum-SK     

                                Moding forum for Assetto Corsa   


First place in qualification...1 point

First place in race......8 points 
Second place in race.....6 points 
Third place in race.....4 points 
Fourth place in race .....2 points 
Fifth place in race ......1 point 
Sixt place in race....0 points

Usefull information:
Server name: AC-Forum-SK
Password: 1111

Thanks to all creators of this game Assetto Corsa - specialy KUNOS Simulazioni, United racing design and  Assetto Garage for best MODS for AC, for best sim-car racing portal in the world, also rainmaker87 for his amazing complete list of race track.

More info here:

Car collection:

Audi R18-2015, Porsche 919-2015, Nissan GTR LMP1, Toyota TS040

AC Forum-SK

Moding forum for Assetto Corsa
Server: AC-Forum-SK 

© 2016 AC Forum-SK, Baner and logo by MILOŠ DOLÁK -
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